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Succeed together

MICRC believes in supporting our athletes' in endeavours beyond the  rugby pitch.

To that end, we are proud to support our players in pursuing post-secondary education full time, playing rugby while
attending a post secondary institution full-time, and also in representing the Club at a regional, provincial or national level.

Scholarships & Bursaries

Post Secondary student Scholarship (award up to $250)

  • Must have been registered with the club the season prior to the school term

  • Must be in good standing with the Club, all dues paid

  • Must have played/participated in more than 75% of the teams fixtures and practices

  • Must have joined the club no later than June 15

  • Proof of post-secondary school acceptance required

  • Coach/Director of rugby recommendation required

Post Secondary Rugby Scholarship (award up to $250)

  • Must have registered with the club the season prior to the school term

  • Must have played/participated in more than 75% of the teams fixtures and practices

  • Must be in good standing with the Club, all dues paid

  • Must have joined the club no later than June 15

  • Proof of post-secondary school acceptance required

  • Must be member of university or college rugby team (7’s or 15’s) in season following MICRC season

  • Coach/Director of rugby recommendation required.

Rep. Rugby Players (award up to $500)

  • Must be registered with the club

  • Must have played/participated in more than 75% of the team’s fixtures and practices

  • Must be in good standing with the Club, all dues paid

  • Confirmation of selection to rep. squad is required

  • Player must be officially selected to National or Provincial level

  • Player can only qualify for one level of Rep. Rugby support during a given season

  • Coach/Director of Rugby recommendation required

Conditions apply* 

  • Athlete is eligible for all supports during the year, but only one of each during a 12 month period

  • Athlete can receive both student AND student athlete awards as well as one level of rep rugby award

  • Team coach will determine that required participation levels are achieved

  • Scholarships will be paid out on Dec. 15 following a given season

  • Representative support will be distributed upon the completion of the representative season

To read more about our participation incentives, click here

Questions about our scholarship programs?

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