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2022 Junior Season Recap

Coming off Covid, it was difficult to know what the season would look like. In previous seasons, clubs had to organize their own fixtures and tournaments, and spend a lot of energy making rugby “happen”. With continuing lockdown protocols and uncertainty, it was challenging for everyone. As it turned out, this was almost a normal season! Practices began in early May, with some of our teams getting a jump and scheduling “unofficial” practices on their own. The commitment and enthusiasm of our coaches was once again on display.

We hosted 2 very successful festivals in our mini’s section, and our u14’s competed in a regular schedule. Our U16’s combined with the Dragons to make sure both sides were viable.

We added coaches over the season, and managed to keep all our players engaged and smiling! Although growing from a small base, we increased our number of registered players over 50%! The summer season wrapped up at the end of August with a junior banquet at Austin Dr. The highlight was definitely the parent-player game where our young ruggers were able to show off all they’d learned over the season!

On top of everything that occurred on the field, we also managed to undergo a number of fundraisers with the proceeds being put towards future endeavours. Right now there are discussions ongoing about a junior tour in the spring. Stay tuned for more details!

We ‘re excited to build on the base we developed this season, and are planning to offer more age and gender sections for players next season. But of course, we wouldn’t be able to provide anything without the tireless enthusiasm of our coaches and parents!



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